What Is A Midwife

A midwife is a registered primary care provider for healthy, low-risk pregnant people during their pregnancies, births, and for 6 weeks postpartum. The midwife consults with and refers to specialists, when necessary. The midwife will use emergency measures within the scope of their practice if the need arises.
Fundamental to midwifery care is the understanding that a pregnant person’s caregivers respect and support them so that they may give birth safely, with power and dignity. The midwife sees pregnancy and childbirth as a normal state for the healthy pregnant person and believes that unnecessary intervention is an interruption of a healthy process.

Philosophy of Care

Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E.’s philosophy of care is based on respect for the birth process and a client’s ability to give birth. We are guided by the principles of continuity of care, non-authoritarian relationships, client as the primary decision-maker, choice of birthplace, appropriate use of technology, and time spent with a client to develop non-authoritarian relationships and provide
information to facilitate informed decisions by the client.

Pregnancy is a Time of Health

The maintenance and promotion of health throughout the childbearing cycle are central to midwifery care. Midwives focus on preventive care. Midwifery care is based on respect for pregnancy as a state of health and childbirth as a normal physiologic process. Midwifery care respects the diversity of a client’s individual needs and the variety of personal and cultural meanings that pregnant people, families, and communities bring to the pregnancy, birth, and early parenting experience.

Continuity of Care

Care is continuous, personalized, and non-authoritarian. It responds to a client’s social, emotional, cultural, and physical needs. The same midwives provide care throughout pregnancy, labour, and after birth.

Informed Choice

Midwives encourage the client to actively participate in their care throughout pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period and make choices about the manner in which their care is provided. Midwives promote decision-making as a shared responsibility, between the client, her family (as defined by the client), and their support persons. The client is recognized as the primary decision-maker. Midwifery care includes education and counseling, enabling a client to make informed choices. Responsibility for well being rests with both those who offer health care and each individual seeking health care. Better health care is attained when individuals make informed decisions regarding their care.

Choice of Birthplace

Midwives believe that each pregnant person should be able to decide where they want to give birth. All midwives in Ontario offer a their client’s the choice of giving birth in the hospital or at home and are trained to provide all the necessary care in both settings.

Brochure: About Midwifery