
As primary caregivers, we are able to provide all necessary prenatal care for normal low-risk pregnancies. This includes the ordering of laboratory blood work and ultrasounds, etc. At each visit we monitor your blood pressure and sometimes urine and weight as well as the baby’s heart rate, position and growth. Midwifery care includes education and counselling, enabling a client to make informed choices.

During your pregnancy, you will be seen every 4 – 6 weeks until the 28th week, every 2 – 3 weeks until the 37th week, and then weekly until birth . Midwives are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to clients for urgent concerns and emergencies. As registered midwives, we follow the College of Midwives of Ontario’s Standards of Practice. If your care should need to be transferred to an obstetrician, we remain involved by providing supportive care.

Clinic Appointments

Prenatal appointments are 30 – 45 minutes in length to allow your questions and concerns to be addressed. This allows time for discussion about nutrition, exercise, physical and emotional changes in pregnancy, medical procedures, preparation for labour and birth, complications, infant care, and breastfeeding. Partners, other family members, and support persons are always welcome. 

We make every effort not to rearrange pre-scheduled appointments. However, at times, because the process of labour and birth is unpredictable (especially regarding when it happens) we may need to rearrange pre-scheduled clinic appointments. This will happen when a client goes into labour and needs us during clinic days. We try to notify you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this situation.