Labour & Birth

Prenatally, you will be given information about what to expect and when to notify your midwife that you are in labour. Often a midwife will come to your home to assess you during labour. If it is still early in your labour, advice and recommendations will be given to you as well as guidelines about when to call your midwife again. A midwife will be with you during active labour (4 cm dilated with regular painful contractions) until you deliver. We provide clinical care including monitoring yourself and the baby, progress in labour and also provide emotional support and comfort measures. A second midwife is called close to the time of delivery to assist at the birth

In the event of illness, simultaneous births, off call or emergencies, we may call on Second Attendants to attend your birth and assist the midwife. The Second Attendant will assist in monitoring and assessment in labour and immediately postpartum. Our Second Attendants are registered nurses with additional training and skills to act in the role of Second Attendant or graduate midwives awaiting registration.

Brochure: Facts About Home Births in Ontario
Video: Choosing Home Birth
Video: Birthing at LHSC