About Us

Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E. is comprised of several midwives who practice in varying care models. Upon entering into midwifery care you will be assigned to a either a primary care midwife who has an alternate midwife for their off call coverage, or an alternating team of 2 to 3 midwives. Our goal is that you are equally comfortable with all members of your midwifery care team, as most likely one of your midwives will attend your labour and birth. One member of your team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year for urgent concerns or labour. In rare circumstances, such as illness or many births occurring simultaneously, another midwife who is not a part of your team may be called on to provide your care. Two midwives attend each birth; these will typically include one midwife from your team and another midwife member of the practice.

Philosophy of Care

Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E’s philosophy of care is based on respect for the birth process and client’s ability to give birth. We are guided by the principles of continuity of care, non-authoritarian relationships, the client as the primary decision-maker, choice of birthplace, appropriate use of technology, and time spent with a client to provide clinical care and information to facilitate informed decisions by the client.

Clinic Appointments

We value your time and our time together to achieve the goals of continuity of care, information sharing, and understanding.
Prenatal appointments are 30 – 45 minutes in length to allow time for your questions and concerns to be addressed. This also allows time for discussion about various topics including nutrition, exercise, physical and emotional changes in pregnancy, medical procedures, preparation for labour and birth, complications, infant care and breastfeeding. Partners, other family members and support persons are always welcome.

We make every effort not to rearrange pre-scheduled appointments, however; being available to clients at all hours for labour and birth means that our midwives are often on-call while doing their clinic. If a midwife has been called out to a birth or is sleeping after attending a birth during their clinic day, your appointment may need to be cancelled on short notice. In these situations, we try to notify you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience and understanding.


Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E. is a preceptor site for student midwives. The option of having a student involved in your care may be offered to you. Midwifery students are in placement with us from four months to one year. You will only have one student assigned to you and students always work under the supervision of a midwife. You will have several opportunities to meet the student prenatally. The student will also attend your birth with your consent. You play an important role in teaching future midwives sensitive, client-centred care. Your feedback to them, and to us, is an essential part of their experience.

Our Admin Team

Laurie and Chantale offer many years of administrative experience and love the opportunity to work with clients as they embark on their personal journey to parenthood. They are here to help – from booking appointments to answering questions to offering a warm smile when you arrive for your appointment.

“We value the opportunity to support our midwives and clients, and endeavor to provide all of our clients and families with a positive experience.”